Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs), with Robust buffer

Taq DNA polymerase (-dNTPs), with Robust buffer

品牌:Bio Academia
CAS No.:


等级 规格 运输包装 零售价(RMB) 库存情况 参考值


5×200 units 咨询

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Taq DNA polymerase hot-start

Taq DNA polymerase hot-start

CAS No.:


等级 规格 运输包装 零售价(RMB) 库存情况 参考值


4000 units 咨询

* 干冰运输、大包装及大批量的产品需酌情添加运输费用

* 零售价、促销产品折扣、运输费用、库存情况、产品及包装规格可能因各种原因有所变动,恕不另行通知,确切详情请联系上海金畔生物科技有限公司。

Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理New England Biolabs(NEB)酶试剂全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。


Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer |

Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses a 5´→3´ polymerase activity (1,2,3) and a 5´ flap endonuclease activity (4,5).

It is supplied with 10X ThermoPol Reaction Buffer, which contains a nonionic detergent to increase enzyme stability during longer incubations.


  • Isolated from a recombinant source
  • Supplied with 10X Reaction Buffer
  • Robust and reliable reactions
  • Tolerates a wide range of templates
  • Incorporates dUTP, dITP and fluorescently-labeled nucleotides
  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit


An E. coli strain that carries the Taq DNA Polymerase gene from Thermus aquaticus YT-1

Taq DNA Polymerase Products

Colony PCR,
Polymerases for DNA Manipulation,

Multiplex PCR,
Specialty PCR,
Routine PCR,


  • 产品组分信息


    NEB # 名称 组分货号 储存温度 数量 浓度
    • M0267V     -20    
        Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer M0267VVIAL -20 1 x 0.04 ml 5,000 units/ml
        ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer B9004SVIAL -20 1 x 1.5 ml 10 X
    • M0267S     -20    
        Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer M0267SVIAL -20 1 x 0.08 ml 5,000 units/ml
        ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer B9004SVIAL -20 2 x 1.5 ml 10 X
    • M0267L     -20    
        Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer M0267LVIAL -20 1 x 0.4 ml 5,000 units/ml
        ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer B9004SVIAL -20 4 x 1.5 ml 10 X
    • M0267X     -20    
        Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer M0267XVIAL -20 1 x 0.8 ml 5,000 units/ml
        ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer B9004SVIAL -20 8 x 1.5 ml 10 X
    • M0267E     -20    
        Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer M0267XVIAL -20 5 x 0.8 ml 5,000 units/ml
        ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer B9004SVIAL -20 40 x 1.5 ml 10 X

  • 特性和用法


    One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that will incorporate 15 nmol of dNTP into acid-insoluble material in 30 minutes at 75°C.


    1X ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer

    1X ThermoPol® Reaction Buffer
    20 mM Tris-HCl
    10 mM (NH4)2SO4
    10 mM KCl
    2 mM MgSO4
    0.1% Triton® X-100
    (pH 8.8 @ 25°C)


    10 mM Tris-HCl
    100 mM KCl
    1 mM DTT
    0.1 mM EDTA
    0.5% Tween® 20
    0.5% IGEPAL® CA-630
    50% Glycerol
    pH 7.4 @ 25°C



    理论上的: 94000 daltons

    5′ – 3′ 核酸外切酶


    3′ – 5′ 核酸外切酶





    • 3´ 单碱基突出末端


    1X ThermoPol Reaction Buffer, 200 µM dNTPs including [3H]-dTTP and 15 nM primed M13 DNA. 


    ~ 285×10-6bases

  • 优势和特性


    • PCR
    • Primer extension
    • Colony PCR

  • 相关产品


    • Taq 5X 预混液
    • Taq 2X 预混液
    • Taq PCR 试剂盒
    • dNTP 混合液
    • dNTP 套装
    • Quick-Load® Taq 2X 预混液
    • Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) Solution


    • ThermoPol® 反应缓冲液套装

  • 注意事项

    1. 5´→3´ 结构特异性核酸内切酶活性会降解置换链。

  • 参考文献

    1. Chien, A., Edgar, D.B. and Trela, J.M. (1976). J. Bact.. 127, 1550-1557.
    2. Kaledin, A.S., Sliusarenko, A.G. and Gorodetskii, S.I. (1980). Biokhimiya. 45, 644-651.
    3. Lawyer, F.C. et al. (1993). PCRMethods and Appl.. 2, 275-287.
    4. Longley, M.J., Bennett, S.E. and Mosbaugh D.W. (1990). NucleicAcids Res.. 18, 7317-7322.
    5. Lyamichev, V., Brow, M.A. and Dahlberg, J.E. (1993). Science. 260, 778-783.
    6. Saiki R.K. et al. (1985). Science. 230, 1350-1354.
    7. Powell, L.M. et al. (1987). Cell. 50, 831-840.
    8. Sun, Y., Hegamyer, G. and Colburn, N. (1993). Biotechniques. 15, 372-374.
    9. Sarkar, G., Kapelner, S. and Sommer, S.S. (1990). Nucleic Acids Res.. 18, 7465.

操作说明、说明书 & 用法

  • 操作说明

    1. PCR Protocol for Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer (M0267)
    2. A-Tailing with Taq Polymerase

  • 使用指南

    • Activity of Restriction Enzymes in PCR Buffers
    • Guidelines for PCR Optimization with Taq DNA Polymerase
    • Guidelines for PCR Optimization with Thermophilic DNA Polymerases

工具 & 资源

  • 选择指南

    • DNA Polymerase Selection Chart
    • NEB Diluent and Buffer Table
    • Taq Buffer Selection Chart
    • Thermophilic DNA Polymerases

  • Web 工具

    • Tm Calculator

FAQs & 问题解决指南

  • FAQs

    1. What ends will my PCR products have?
    2. How should I determine the appropriate annealing temperature for my reaction?
    3. What should the final primer concentration be in my PCR?
    4. What are the properties of this polymerase (fidelity, product ends, max amplicon, modified base incorporation, etc.)?
    5. What are the stability and storage requirements for NEB’s Taq and OneTaq DNA Polymerases?
    6. Is this Taq DNA Polymerase product compatible with other NEB Buffers?
    7. Can Taq/OneTaq® DNA Polymerases be used for nick translation?
    8. How can I optimize my PCR when using Taq DNA Polymerase?

  • 问题解决指南

    • PCR Troubleshooting Guide
    • Taq PCR Kit Troubleshooting Guide

  • 实验技巧

    Did you know most Taq reactions amplify more efficiently and robustly when you use a 68°C extension temperature?

Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理New England Biolabs(NEB)酶试剂全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。


High-Fidelity DNA Polymerases are important for applications in which the DNA sequence needs to be correct after amplification. Its unique structure, a novel Pyrococcus-like enzyme fused with a processivity-enhancing domain, increases fidelity and speed. Phusion DNA Polymerase is an ideal choice for cloning and can be used for long or difficult amplicons. With an error rate > 50-fold lower than that of Taq DNA Polymerase and 6-fold lower than that of Pyrococcus furiosus DNA Polymerase (1), Phusion is one of the most accurate thermostable polymerases available. Phusion DNA Polymerase possesses 5´→ 3´ polymerase activity, 3´→ 5´ exonuclease activity and will generate blunt-ended products.

Phusion DNA Polymerase is supplied with standard 5X Phusion HF Buffer, as well as 5X Phusion GC Buffer, which can be used for complex or GC-rich templates. Each of these buffers contains MgCl2 (1.5 mM at the final [1X] reaction concentration). Reactions can also be optimized using the provided DMSO or MgCl2 solutions.

Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase  |
Fidelity assays were performed using a lacI-based method modified from Frey & Suppman, 1995.
Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase  |
A 3.8 kb fragment was amplified from 50 ng of Jurkat gDNA using different polymerases. Reactions were carried out according to the manufacturer’s recommended conditions. Extension times are indicated (in minutes). Ladder L is a 1 kb DNA Ladder (NEB# N3232).


An E. coli strain that carries the Phusion DNA Polymerase gene.

Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerases Products

Gibson Assembly®,
Long Range PCR,
Fast PCR,

High-Fidelity PCR,
Multiplex PCR,
Specialty PCR,
Routine PCR,


  • 产品组分信息


    NEB # 名称 组分货号 储存温度 数量 浓度
    • M0530S     -20    
        Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0530SVIAL -20 1 x 0.05 ml 2,000 units/ml
        MgCl2 solution B0510AVIAL -20 1 x 1.5 ml 50 mM
        DMSO B0515AVIAL -20 1 x 0.5 ml 100 %
        Phusion® HF Buffer Pack B0518SVIAL -20 2 x 1.5 ml 5 X
        Phusion® GC Buffer Pack B0519SVIAL -20 1 x 1.5 ml 5 X
    • M0530L     -20    
        Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0530LVIAL -20 1 x 0.25 ml 2,000 units/ml
        MgCl2 solution B0510AVIAL -20 2 x 1.5 ml 50 mM
        DMSO B0515AVIAL -20 1 x 0.5 ml 100 %
        Phusion® HF Buffer Pack B0518SVIAL -20 6 x 1.5 ml 5 X
        Phusion® GC Buffer Pack B0519SVIAL -20 2 x 1.5 ml 5 X

  • 特性和用法


    One unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that will incorporate 10 nmol of dNTP into acid insoluble material in 30 minutes at 74°C.


    20 mM Tris-HCl
    100 mM KCl
    1 mM DTT
    0.1 mM EDTA
    200 µg/ml BSA
    50% Glycerol
    1X stabilizers
    pH 7.4 @ 25°C


    5′ – 3′ 核酸外切酶


    3′ – 5′ 核酸外切酶



    25 mM TAPS-HCl (pH 9.3 @ 25°C), 50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 200 µM dNTPs including [3H]-dTTP and 15 nM primed M13 DNA.

  • 优势和特性


    • Robust Reactions – Maximal success with minimal optimization
    • Extreme Fidelity – >50X greater than Taq.
    • High Speed – Dramatically reduced extension times (10X faster than Pfu)
    • High Yield – Increased product yield using minimal amount of enzyme
    • Versatile – Can be used for routine PCR as well as long or difficult templates


    • PCR
    • Cloning
    • Long or Difficult Amplification
    • High-Throughput PCR

  • 相关产品


    • dNTP 套装
    • dNTP 混合液
    • MgCl2 溶液
    • Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Kit
    • Phusion® 超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 HF 缓冲液)
    • Phusion® 超保真 PCR 预混液(提供 GC 缓冲液)
    • dNTP 混合液
    • Phusion® HF 反应缓冲液套装
    • Phusion® GC 反应缓冲液套装

  • 参考文献

    1. Frey, B. and Suppman, B. (1995). BioChemica. 2, 34-35.
    2. Chester, N. and Marshak, D.R. (1993). Analytical Biochemistry. 209, 284-290.

操作说明、说明书 & 用法

  • 操作说明

    1. PCR Protocol for Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (M0530)

  • 使用指南

    • Activity of Restriction Enzymes in PCR Buffers
    • Guidelines for PCR Optimization with Thermophilic DNA Polymerases

工具 & 资源

  • 选择指南

    • DNA Polymerase Selection Chart
    • Thermophilic DNA Polymerases

  • Web 工具

    • Tm Calculator

FAQs & 问题解决指南

  • FAQs

    1. What are the differences between the various available Phusion® products?
    2. My results are not as expected. Where can I find troubleshooting help?
    3. What ends will my PCR products have?
    4. What does exonuclease activity mean for a DNA polymerase?
    5. Does Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase exhibit a strand displacement activity?
    6. What are the properties of this polymerase (fidelity, product ends, max amplicon, modified base incorporation, etc.)?
    7. How should I determine the appropriate annealing temperature for my reaction?
    8. What should the final primer concentration be in my PCR?
    9. My template is GC-rich or supercoiled. How can I optimize my product yield using Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase?

  • 问题解决指南

    • PCR Troubleshooting Guide

  • 实验技巧

    Phusion has different annealing temperature requirements than most PCR enzymes. Please check out NEB’s Tm Calculator to help you determine your optimal Phusion annealing temperature.