Amylose Resin |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理New England Biolabs(NEB)酶试剂全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。


An affinity matrix used for the isolation of proteins fused to maltose-binding protein. It is intended for use in a gravity flow column.

For larger volume requirements, customized and bulk packaging is available by purchasing through the OEM/Bulks department at NEB. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Amylose Purification (MBP-tag),
Affinity Purification Products,
Protein Purification Products

MBP Affinity Tag,
Affinity Purification & Expression Tags

  • 产品组分信息


    NEB # 名称 组分货号 储存温度 数量 浓度
    • E8021V     4    
        Amylose Resin E8021VVIAL 4 1 x 10 ml Not Applicable
    • E8021S     4    
        Amylose Resin E8021SVIAL 4 1 x 15 ml Not Applicable
    • E8021L     4    
        Amylose Resin E8021LVIAL 4 1 x 100 ml Not Applicable

  • 特性和用法


    20% Ethanol


    >4mg MBP5*-paramyosin ΔSal fusion protein/ml amylose resin.



  • 注意事项

    1. Store at 4°C. After use, resin should be stored incolumn buffer plus 0.02% sodium azide or 20% ethanol.
    2. Amylose Resin column should be washed with 5 volumes ofcolumn buffer before each use.
    3. For optimum performance, load crude extract at < 60cm/hour.
    4. When regenerating the column at 4°C, please note that0.1% SDS can precipitate at that temperature. It is therefore recommended thatthe SDS solution be stored at room temperature until needed. The resin may begenerated up to five times.
    5. For a complete affinity purification protocol, download the pMAL Protein Fusion and Purification System technical bulletin (NEB #E8200) from
    6. Regeneration: The packed resin may beregenerated by the following wash sequence: Water 3 – column volumes, 0.1% SDS -3 column volumes, Water – 1 column volume, Column Buffer – 5 columnvolumes.

工具 & 资源

  • 选择指南

    • Purification Beads, Columns and Resins

FAQs & 问题解决指南

  • FAQs

    1. Much of my fusion protein flows through the amylose column. Is there anything I can do to improve my fusion’s affinity for the amylose column?
    2. How many times can I use the amylose column?
    3. What is known about binding in the presence of nonionic detergents?
    4. Can I substitute a different buffer and/or salt concentration in the Column Buffer?
    5. I see my intact fusion protein by SDS-PAGE when I run cells boiled in Sample Buffer, but when I check the crude extract the fusion is degraded.
    6. When I run my purified fusion protein on SDS-PAGE, why do I see multiple bands instead of a single band of the expected MW?
    7. Can I perform a batch purification using the amylose resin?
    8. Can MBP fusions be purified in the presence of denaturants like urea or guanidine-HCl?
    9. Is the amylose resin damaged by storage at -20°C?
    10. What gravity column do you recommend?
    11. Can amylose resin be cleaned, stored, and used again?

Amylose Resin High Flow |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理New England Biolabs(NEB)酶试剂全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。


Amylose Resin High Flow is a cross-linked affinity matrix used for the isolation of proteins fused to maltose-binding protein (MBP). This rigid matrix can be used in automated chromatography systems.

DNASU is a central repository for plasmid clones and collections that may also be helpful.

For larger volume requirements, customized and bulk packaging is available by purchasing through the OEM/Bulks department at NEB. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Amylose Purification (MBP-tag),
Affinity Purification Products,
Protein Purification Products

MBP Affinity Tag,
Affinity Purification & Expression Tags,
Protein Purification,

Phage Display

  • 产品组分信息


    NEB # 名称 组分货号 储存温度 数量 浓度
    • E8022S     4    
        Amylose Resin High Flow E8022SVIAL 4 1 x 15 ml Not Applicable
    • E8022L     4    
        Amylose Resin High Flow E8022LVIAL 4 1 x 100 ml Not Applicable

  • 特性和用法


    20% Ethanol


    >4 mg MBP5* -paramyosin δSal fusion protein / ml amylose high flow resin.



  • 注意事项

    1. Store at 4°C. After use, resin should be stored in column buffer plus 0.02% sodium azide or 20% ethanol.
    2. Amylose Resin column should be washed with 5 volumes of column buffer before each use. 
      For optimum performance, load crude extract at < 60 cm/hour.
    3. When regenerating the column at 4°C, please note that 0.1% SDS can precipitate at that temperature. It is therefore recommended that the SDS solution be stored at room temperature until needed. The resin may be generated up to five times. 
    4. For a complete affinity purification protocol, download the pMAL Protein Fusion and Purification System technical bulletin (NEB #E8200) from
    5. Regeneration: The packed resin may be regenerated by the following wash sequence: Water 3 – column volumes, 0.1% SDS – 3 column volumes, Water – 1 column volume, Column Buffer – 5 column volumes.

工具 & 资源

  • 选择指南

    • Purification Beads, Columns and Resins

FAQs & 问题解决指南

  • FAQs

    1. What gravity column do you recommend?
    2. Much of my fusion protein flows through the amylose column. Is there anything I can do to improve my fusion’s affinity for the amylose column?
    3. How many times can I use the amylose column?
    4. What is known about binding in the presence of nonionic detergents?
    5. Can I substitute a different buffer and/or salt concentration in the Column Buffer?
    6. I see my intact fusion protein by SDS-PAGE when I run cells boiled in Sample Buffer, but when I check the crude extract the fusion is degraded.
    7. When I run my purified fusion protein on SDS-PAGE, why do I see multiple bands instead of a single band of the expected MW?
    8. Can I perform a batch purification using the amylose resin?
    9. Can MBP fusions be purified in the presence of denaturants like urea or guanidine-HCl?
    10. Is the amylose resin damaged by storage at -20°C?
    11. What is the recommended flow rate and maximum pressure for Amylose Resin High Flow once packed into a column?

Amylose 磁珠 |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理New England Biolabs(NEB)酶试剂全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。


一种亲和介质,能少量分离纯化与 MBP(麦芽糖结合蛋白)相融合的目的蛋白。Amylose 磁珠共价结合到一种顺磁颗粒上,该共价结合可以在很宽的 pH 范围内保持稳定。这样可对细胞培养上清物中的 MBP 融合蛋白进行分离。随后,被磁珠结合的融合蛋白可以从细胞裂解液中捕获与之相互作用的目的蛋白。

在含 20% 乙醇的水中以 10 mg/ml 悬浮液提供。

DNASU 作为基因质粒克隆和收集的资源中心,也可能有所帮助。

Amylose Purification (MBP-tag),
Affinity Purification Products,
Magnetic Beads and Racks Products,

Protein Purification Products

MBP Affinity Tag,
Pull Down Assays,
Affinity Purification & Expression Tags,

Protein Purification,
High-throughput cloning and automation solutions,

Phage Display

  • 产品组分信息


    NEB # 名称 组分货号 储存温度 数量 浓度
    • E8035S     4    
        Amylose Magnetic Beads E8035SVIAL 4 1 x 25 mg 10 mg/ml

  • 特性和用法


    10 μm 超顺磁颗粒


    10 ug MBP5* paromysin Δ sal/mg Amylose 磁珠


    • Do not freeze


    • 4°C

  • 相关产品


    • 12 孔磁性分离架
    • 6 孔磁性分离架
    • Amylose Resin
    • Amylose Resin High Flow
    • 抗 MBP 磁珠
    • 几丁质磁珠
    • Protein A Magnetic Beads
    • Protein G 磁珠
    • 链霉亲和素磁珠

  • 注意事项

    1. 请勿冷冻

操作说明、说明书 & 用法

  • 操作说明

    1. Isolation of MBP-fusion protein using Amylose Magnetic Beads

工具 & 资源

  • 选择指南

    • Purification Beads, Columns and Resins