Fluorobenzene Standard 氟苯标准品

CAS No.:462-06-6
产品编号 等级 规格 零售价(RMB)
068-03721 for Air Pollutant Analysis 1 g 咨询

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产品描述相关产品浏览记录 在日本“有害空气污染物测定手册”中有提到“挥发性有机物(如大气中的苯)的测定方法”。Wako的此试剂就是这些方法中所提到的:作GC/MS分析的内标。

  • ■ 010-23061  APDS Tag Wako Eluent  1 L

  • ■ 019-23151  APDS Tag Wako Borate Buffer  1 L

  • ■ 143-08641  NH2 Silica Gel 60 F254 Plate-Wako (layer thickness 0.25mm) (2.5cm×6.6cm)  100 EA(层厚:0.25 mm、size:2.5 cm×6.6 cm)

  • ■ 193-08381  Silicagel 70 Plate-wako  10 plates(层厚:0.25 mm、size:5 cm×10 cm)

  • ■ 199-08383  Silicagel 70 Plate-wako  25 plates(层厚:0.25 mm、size:20 cm×20 cm)

  • ■ 232-00081  Wakogel C-300  2 kg

  • ■ 235-00071  Wakogel C-200  2 kg

  • ■ 235-01551  Wakogel 100C18  100 g

  • ■ 236-01461  Wakogel C-300HG (40 – 60um, 70% up)  2 kg

  • ■ 237-00075  Wakogel C-200  500 g

  • ■ 068-03721  Fluorobenzene Standard  1 g

Calcium Standard Solution (Ca 100)

  • 详细信息
  • 询价记录
  • 相关实验
  • 货号: 036-17891
    供应商: 上海金畔生物科技有限公司
    数量: 大量
    英文名: Calcium Standard Solution (Ca 100)
    保存条件: 25℃以下
    规格: 100 ml



灭瘟素S盐酸盐Blasticidin S Hydrochloride

  • 详细信息
  • 询价记录
  • 相关实验
  • 货号: 029-18701
    CAS号: 3513-03-9
    英文名: Blasticidin S Hydrochloride
    保存条件: 冷藏
    规格: 100mg
    This is an inhibitor of protein synthesis in gram-positive bacteria, fungi, and yeast.
    Resistance genes (derived from bacteria: bsr, derived from mold: bsd) have been isolated and used for the selection of genetically modified plants.
    – A nucleoside antibiotic
    – Inhibits protein synthesis in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.


    Blasticidin S hydrochloride is a nucleoside antibiotic which inhibits protein synthesis in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The resistance is conferred by expression of either BSD or bsr, Blasticidin S deaminase genes that convert Blasticidin S to a non-toxic deaminohydroxy derivatives.
    Blasticidin S hydrochloride is used to select transfected cells carrying BSD or bsr resistance genes. 

    灭瘟素S盐酸盐Blasticidin S Hydrochloride-WAKO和光纯药

    CAS No. 3513-03-9
    C17H26N8O5·HCl = 258.90


    [Product Outline]

    • Source: Streptomyces griseochromogenes
    • Resistance gene: BSD (from Aspergillus terreus
      灭瘟素S盐酸盐Blasticidin S Hydrochloride-WAKO和光纯药bsr (from Bacillus cereus)
    • Appearance:
          Blasticidin S Hydrochloride: Powder
          HEPES Solution: 10 mg/mL Blasticidin S in 20 mmol/L HEPES (pH 7.5)

    [Working concentration]

    • Selection in E. coli: 50 – 100 μg/mL
    • Selection in mammalian cell lines: 2 – 10 μg/mL


    产品编号 产品名称 应用 规格
    026-18711 10mg/ml Blasticidin S Hydrochloride, HEPES Solution  基因研究 1ml
    022-18713 10mg/ml Blasticidin S Hydrochloride, HEPES Solution  基因研究 1mlX10


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