异支链淀粉酶(黑曲霉) Isopullulanase (Aspergillus niger) 货号:E-ISPUAN Megazyme中文站

High purity recombinant Isopullulanase (Aspergillus niger) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH49

Pullulan 4-glucanohydrolase (isopanose-forming).

Recombinant. From Aspergillus niger.
In 50% Glycerol. Hydrolysis of pullulan to isopanose (6-α-maltosylglucose).
Supplied at ~ 1,000 U/mL. 

Specific activity: ~ 65 U/mg (40oC, pH 3.5 on pullulan)

Stability: > 4 years at 4oC.