The Amylase SD Method: A highly sensitive colourimetric method for the determination of α-amylase in sprout damaged wheat grain (also known as pre-harvest sprouting or weather damaged wheat grain) and “late maturity α-amylase” wheat grain.
- Extremely high sensitivity – 2.4-fold increase over Ceralpha (K-CERA)
- Very cost effective
- All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
- Very specific
- Simple format
- Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
- Standard included
- Suitable for Maual and auto-analyser formats
Highly sensitive colourimetric method for the determination of α-Amylase in sprout damaged grain
(1) Ethylidene-G7-α-PNP + H2O → Ethylidene-GX + G(7-X)-α-PNP
(thermostable α-glucosidase)
(2) G(7-X)-α-PNP + H2O → D-glucose + PNP
(alkaline solution)
(3) PNP → phenolate ion (yellow colour)
Note: PNP = 4-nitrophenol
Kit size: 160 / 320 assays (manual) / 640 (auto-analyser)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 400 nm
Total assay time: ~ 5 min
Detection limit: 0.05 U/mL
Application examples: Sprout damaged wheat grain
Method recognition: Novel method