蚁酸检测试剂盒 Formic Acid Assay Kit 货号:K-FORM Megazyme中文站

A simple method for the rapid and reliable measurement of formic acid (formate) in foods, beverages and other materials. Content:25 assays per kit

UV-method for the determination of Formic Acid in foods,
beverages and other materials

(formate dehydrogenase)
(1) Formic acid + NAD+ → CO2 + NADH + H+

Kit size: 25 assays (manual) / 250 (microplate)
/ 220 (auto-analyser)
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 12 min
Detection limit: 0.0932 mg/L
Application examples:
Wine, fruit juices, pickles, vinegar, jam, bakery products, honey, fish,
meat and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.)
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by MEBAK


  • No wasted formate dehydrogenase solution (stable suspension supplied)
  • Pyrazole incorporated to prevent alcohol dehydrogenase interference
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included
  • Suitable for manual, microplate and auto-analyser formats