MfeI |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

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本酶提供高保真版 MfeI-HF®(NEB #R3589)

高保真(HF)限制性内切酶在 rCutSmart 缓冲液中具有 100% 活性;统一缓冲液意味着更加直接、简化的样品处理过程。HF 内切酶还会显著降低星号活性。所有 HF 内切酶均符合省时酶(Time-Saver)标准,可在 5-15 分钟内酶切底物 DNA,也可实现过夜酶切而不会造成 DNA 降解。HF 限制性内切酶在改造时将性能作为重要指标,可在更宽的条件下具有完全活性,最大限度地减少非特异性酶切产物,并且为实验设计提供灵活性。


大肠杆菌菌株,携带有克隆自发酵支原体 Mycoplasma fermentans(N.F. Halden)的 MfeI 基因。

Discontinued (<3 years)

  • 特性和用法


    一个单位是指在 50 µl 的总反应体系中,37℃ 条件下,1 小时内酶切 1 µg λ DNA 所需的酶量。


    1X rCutSmart™ 缓冲液
    Incubate at 37°C

    1X rCutSmart™ 缓冲液
    50 mM Potassium Acetate
    20 mM Tris-acetate
    10 mM Magnesium Acetate
    100 µg/ml Recombinant Albumin
    (pH 7.9 @ 25°C)


    NEBuffer™ r1.1: 75%
    NEBuffer™ r2.1: 50%
    NEBuffer™ r3.1: 10%
    rCutSmart™ Buffer: 100%


    • 稀释液 A


    10 mM Tris-HCl
    50 mM NaCl
    1 mM DTT
    0.1 mM EDTA
    200 µg/ml BSA
    50% Glycerol
    pH 7.4 @ 25°C



    dam 甲基化: 不敏感
    dcm 甲基化: 不敏感
    CpG甲基化: 不敏感



  • 相关产品


    • MfeI-HF®
    • t1010-monarch-plasmid-miniprep-kit
    • Monarch® DNA 胶回收试剂盒
    • Monarch® PCR & DNA 纯化试剂盒(5 μg)
    • Nuclease-free Water


    • rCutSmart™ 缓冲液

  • 注意事项

    1. MfeI 是 MunI 的完全同裂酶。
    2. 对 CpG、dcm 或 dam 甲基化均不敏感。
    3. 延长酶切时间可能产生星号活性。

操作说明、说明书 & 用法

  • 操作说明

    1. Optimizing Restriction Endonuclease Reactions
    2. Restriction Digest Protocol
    3. Double Digest Protocol with Standard Restriction Enzymes

  • 使用指南

    • Activity at 37°C for Restriction Enzymes with Alternate Incubation Temperatures
    • Activity of Restriction Enzymes in PCR Buffers
    • Alteration of Apparent Recognition Specificities Using Methylases
    • Cleavage Close to the End of DNA Fragments
    • Digestion of Agarose-Embedded DNA: Info for Specific Enzymes
    • Double Digests
    • Heat Inactivation
    • Restriction Endonucleases – Survival in a Reaction
    • Restriction Enzyme Diluent Buffer Compatibility
    • Restriction Enzyme Tips
    • Single Letter Codes
    • Star Activity

工具 & 资源

  • 选择指南

    • Alphabetized List of Recognition Sequences
    • Compatible Cohesive Ends and Generation of New Restriction Sites
    • Dam-Dcm and CpG Methylation
    • Frequencies of Restriction Sites
    • Isoelectric Points (pI) for Restriction Enzymes
    • Isoschizomers
    • NEB Diluent and Buffer Table
    • Recleavable Filled-in 5′ Overhangs
    • Time-Saver™ Qualified Enzymes

  • Web 工具

    • DNA Sequences and Maps Tool
    • Double Digest Finder
    • Enzyme Finder
    • NEBcutter™ v3.0
    • NEBioCalculator®
    • REBASE®

FAQs & 问题解决指南

  • FAQs

    1. Is MfeI inhibited by salt?
    2. Does MfeI have trouble cleavin PCR products?
    3. What is the molecular weight of MfeI?
    4. Does MfeI have single sites in common vectors?
    5. What is the activity of MfeI at 25°C?
    6. I tested your restriction enzyme on the substrate DNA recommended by NEB, and it appears to be active, however it does not digest my DNA. What could be the reason?
    7. Is this enzyme sensitive to dam, dcm or mammalian CpG methylation?
    8. Can you tell me more about the switch from BSA to Recombinant Albumin (rAlbumin) in NEBuffers?