Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-200 kDa) |NEB酶试剂 New England Biolabs

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The Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range is a mixture of highly pure, recombinant proteins that resolves into 13 sharp bands from 10-200 kDa when electrophoresed and stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (1,2) or other commercially available, ready-to-use protein stains. This standard allows accurate molecular weight determination when performing SDS-PAGE analysis.

Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-200 kDa) |
Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10–200 kDa) 10–20% Tris-glycine SDS-PAGE Gel
Protein Standards Products,
Markers & Ladders Products,
Protein Standards Products

Protein Standards,
Protein Analysis Tools

  • 产品组分信息


    NEB # 名称 组分货号 储存温度 数量 浓度
    • P7717S     -20    
        Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-200 kDa) P7717SVIAL -20 1 x 150 gel lanes Not Applicable
    • P7717L     -20    
        Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-200 kDa) P7717SVIAL -20 5 x 150 gel lanes Not Applicable

  • 特性和用法


    62.5 mM Tris-phosphate
    1 mM EDTA
    2% SDS
    10 mM DTT
    1 mM NaN3
    0.01% bromophenol blue
    33% Glycerol
    pH 7.5 @ -20°C

  • 优势和特性


    • Allows accurate molecular weight determination when performing SDS-PAGE analysis.
    • Direct loading, additional loading buffer and heat incubation not required

  • 相关产品


    • Blue Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (11-250 kDa)
    • Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-250 kDa)

  • 注意事项

    1. To ensure uniform mobility, load an equal volume of 1X Reducing SDS Loading Buffer into any unused wells.
    2. To maximize shelf life, store at -20°C. Guaranteed stable for 2 years when properly stored.
    3. It is not necessary to pre-heat the unstained protein standard prior to loading on a gel.
    4. Recommended mini-gel load: 3 μl.
    5. Apparent molecular weight values for prestained proteins can be different when run on different gel types and percentages.

  • 参考文献

    1. Laemmli, UK (1970). Nature. 227, 680.
    2. Sambrook, J., Fitsch, EF. and Maniatis, T. (2001). Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. (3rd ed.). Cold Spring Harbor: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

操作说明、说明书 & 用法

  • 操作说明

    1. Protocol for Using the Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-200 kDa) (P7717) for an SDS-PAGE Mini Gel

FAQs & 问题解决指南

  • FAQs

    1. How does the Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range differ from NEB’s previous Unstained Protein Standard?
    2. What is the protein concentration of the proteins used in the Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range?
    3. Can the Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range be used as a precise standard for determining the exact molecular weight of a protein of interest?
    4. Is the Unstained Protein Standard, Broad Range compatible with various methods of staining, such as SYPRO® Ruby Protein Gel Stain or Silver Staining?
    5. I accidentally left my Protein Standard out at room temperature for a number of days. Is it still okay to use?